Two British soldiers are tasked with carrying a fateful message across enemy lines to an imperiled battalion in the chilling new trailer for Sam Mendes World War I film, 1917.
1917 stars George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman as Schofield and Blake, the two soldiers handed the harrowing mission by a commanding officer played by Colin Firth. In the trailer, Firths character warns the pair that a battalion is in danger of being massacred if they go ahead with a planned attack, and the only way to save them is if Blake and Schofield are able to deliver the warning message in time. Complicating matters, Blakes own brother is one of the soldiers at risk of being slaughtered.
The clip goes on to capture Schofield and Blakes frantic race against time as they tear through trenches and swamps filled with dead bodies, and streak across battlefields while bombs explode just behind them. As Benedict Cumberbatchs character gravely warns, There is only way this war ends last man standing.
1917 will also star Mark Strong, Andrew Scott, Richard Madden and Claire Duburcq. Mendes wrote the script with Krysty Wilson-Cairns.
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